1.4 Inverse Proportion

Effective knowledge of science and mathematics is the foundation for development in...

Effective knowledge of science and mathematics is the foundation for development in practically all facets of life. Without a solid foundation in science and mathematics, nearly no aspect of life can advance in any significant way.

This is why the study of mathematics is given a lot of emphasis in the educational systems of nations that are concerned about their progress. The primary purpose of the mathematics curriculum is to enable all Ghanaian young people to develop the mathematical knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and values that they will require to succeed in their chosen occupations and daily lives.

All pupils can learn mathematics, and everyone needs to learn it, according to the syllabus. As a result, the curriculum is created to match the mathematics expectations in many different regions of the world. Ghanaian Senior High School (SHS) mathematics builds on the skills and information acquired at the Junior High School level.

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