8.3. Stationary Points, Stationary Values and their Nature

The three main skills that are essential for living and working are...

The three main skills that are essential for living and working are reading, analyzing, and calculation. The level of mathematics one can study depends on their ability and interests, as well as the type of career or profession they choose to pursue in life.

Elective mathematics focuses on using analogies to make judgments, differentiating values to make decisions, analyzing data, and communicating ideas using graphs and symbols.

At the senior high school level, elective mathematics expands on senior high school’s core mathematics. It also gives students who want to continue studying mathematics at post-secondary institutions and other higher education settings a strong enough foundation.

Therefore, senior high school mathematics is both continuing for students who wish to continue their studies in math, science, and other relevant fields, as well as terminal for those who will quit school to enter the workforce following SHS.


The syllabus is intended to assist pupils in:

1. recognize the value of using mathematics as a tool for analysis, critical thinking, and creative problem solving.

2. find relationships, patterns, and order.

3. use graphs and symbolic phrases to convey their ideas.

4. acquire quantitative skills that are useful in business, trade, and government.

5. Use ICT skillfully to solve problems and research situations in real life.

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